Happy New Year Dead Blog!

In: Blogging|Writing for People

3 Jan 2010

kevin-hood-2010-predictions-andy-kaufman-wresltingThis blog just about died, but now I have the excuse to say “Happy New Year” and update my blog. For businesses or individuals looking for new blog ideas – there you go! Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Happy January… whatever you want to use. Just blog about it, make it interesting and add some keywords. You owe me $10,000.00.

So Happy New Year and welcome to 2010 (however you want to pronounce it) and a possible new decade (however you want to do the math.) What else can I blog about? Let’s give you some off the top of my head personal predictions for the next year(s)…

  • Personalized search results are going to mess up SEO guys.
  • Social Media ninjas are going to keep designing more websites to afford their throwing star habit.
  • More businesses will realize they need an eCommerce site to sell to the masses, or make it easier for their existing customers (or themselves.)
  • People are hopefully going to start creating multiple Twitter accounts for their different businesses, ideas, hobbies, etc . . . so they don’t dilute their brands / main identity.
  • I think 2010 may be the year for WordPress MU with normal WP install, but this seems kind of like the Mac Tablet rumors.
  • Consumers will finally get sick of AT&T service and iPhone battery life and slowly migrate to new and better phones.
  • Due to all the fake money we have printed, there will be major inflation and President Obama will be known as the next Jimmy Carter.
  • Mister Rogers Neighborhood will no longer be on the air after 2010, and our children will not be able to watch real television – and I’m not talking about Reality TV.
  • The Indiana Pacers will let many contracts expire and start all over with the young guys.
  • Andy Kaufman will finally announce that he is alive, tour the country and wrestle women. It will be phenomenal.

Here’s to 2010!

1 Response to Happy New Year Dead Blog!



January 18th, 2010 at 5:27 pm

All very funny! I would add that 2010 will be the year that every unemployed person with a computer to re-name themselves "social media consultant or coach"


Technology, computers, IT, sales, marketing, website design, internet marketing, search engine conqueror, writing, community, humor and more.

  • daltonsbriefs: All very funny! I would add that 2010 will be the year that every unemployed person with a computer [...]
  • Ian Rhodes: Absolutely right Kevin - I've had the same conversations - the term 'blogging' is syn [...]
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