Posts Tagged ‘Search Engine Marketing

Kevin Hood is on a mission. That’s right, I said Kevin Hood. I must pronounce the word “Hood” with a weird accent, because most of the time that I say my name, people ask me to repeat my last name. I have learned to answer the question with “like Robin Hood,” which usually gets a […]


Technology, computers, IT, sales, marketing, website design, internet marketing, search engine conqueror, writing, community, humor and more.

  • daltonsbriefs: All very funny! I would add that 2010 will be the year that every unemployed person with a computer [...]
  • Ian Rhodes: Absolutely right Kevin - I've had the same conversations - the term 'blogging' is syn [...]
  • Kevin Hood : Kevin, I am the horse guy Kevin Hood wasn't aware of any competition between the two of us. [...]
  • Kati Davis: I've been suggesting to University's for a while that they use a blog format for their new [...]
  • Justin Harter: I best be getting myself busy with this new fangled-technique! [...]

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