Posts Tagged ‘Google

Many bloggers and website designers go to, click on the Images link, find a good picture, save it and upload it to their website. Unfortunately, I’ve done the same thing. Google Images makes it too easy. Images are like text, do you want someone to copy your latest blog post and paste it on their website? […]

Kevin Hood is on a mission. That’s right, I said Kevin Hood. I must pronounce the word “Hood” with a weird accent, because most of the time that I say my name, people ask me to repeat my last name. I have learned to answer the question with “like Robin Hood,” which usually gets a […]


Technology, computers, IT, sales, marketing, website design, internet marketing, search engine conqueror, writing, community, humor and more.

  • daltonsbriefs: All very funny! I would add that 2010 will be the year that every unemployed person with a computer [...]
  • Ian Rhodes: Absolutely right Kevin - I've had the same conversations - the term 'blogging' is syn [...]
  • Kevin Hood : Kevin, I am the horse guy Kevin Hood wasn't aware of any competition between the two of us. [...]
  • Kati Davis: I've been suggesting to University's for a while that they use a blog format for their new [...]
  • Justin Harter: I best be getting myself busy with this new fangled-technique! [...]

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