Facebook Connect Plugin for WordPressFacebook Connect has been around for several months, and so far there are two plug-ins that allow you to add the Facebook Connect functionality to your WordPress powered website. However, therefore, please do note: these instructions are for a self-hosted WordPress blog. I’m not girly enough to even know if you can use this on a WordPress.com hosted site, but probably not. Either way, man up, take out your wallet and host your own website. Hostgator.com is a good, reliable and cheap web host.

It will only be a matter of time until there are many plugins to choose from, but for now your choices are:

WordPress plugin by Sociable– Has more community features including showing recent visitors, inviting friends, and sharing comments with friends on Facebook
WP-FBConnect WordPress Plugin– Adds login and commenting to your blog with Facebook Connect

The Facebook plugin by Sociable! seemed more exciting to me, so I downloaded, extracted and uploaded it to my plugin directory. Once you activate and go to the WordPress Settings page for the Facebook Connect Plugin, you will see a link to the Facebook Developers page to create a new Facebook Application. You need to create a new application in Facebook and then edit the settings so that all of the callback URLs match your WordPress URL (mine was http://kevinhood.com.)

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Indianapolis Internet Marketing Tailored Suit BusinessThe lack of respect towards the Internet by both small and large companies constantly surprises me. In the process of searching for the ideal job, I needed a new suit. I knew it had to be a pretty good suit, so first thought of a local business in downtown Indianapolis. They have been in business for over one hundred years, advertise as making custom tailored suits, and my friend has done radio commercials endorsing them. He wears a suit everyday and always looks good, so it was my first choice based on people I trust.

I searched Google on my phone for the business name to get the address, and the first results that came up were customer reviews. If designed with the best title and description, the first or second links are almost always going to be clicked first, and that’s just what I did. I like customer reviews, such as found on Amazon.com, because they confirm my decision that this is the best product for my use.

The reviews were horrible. At least one of the owners is rude and condescending towards customers, the suits were overpriced for the quality, customer complaints were not resolved, measurements were completely wrong for wedding tuxes, they now have another company do the custom tailoring, and the general attitude the reviewers conveyed about the store did not make me want to go. I chose the store I had done business with before and was happy with the results. This local Indianapolis company lost business because of Google search results.

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Technology, computers, IT, sales, marketing, website design, internet marketing, search engine conqueror, writing, community, humor and more.

  • daltonsbriefs: All very funny! I would add that 2010 will be the year that every unemployed person with a computer [...]
  • Ian Rhodes: Absolutely right Kevin - I've had the same conversations - the term 'blogging' is syn [...]
  • Kevin Hood : Kevin, I am the horse guy Kevin Hood wasn't aware of any competition between the two of us. [...]
  • Kati Davis: I've been suggesting to University's for a while that they use a blog format for their new [...]
  • Justin Harter: I best be getting myself busy with this new fangled-technique! [...]

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