Kevin Hood is Going to Beat That Other Kevin Hood on Google

In: Local Internet Marketing|SEO

11 Jun 2009

Kevin HoodKevin Hood is on a mission. That’s right, I said Kevin Hood. I must pronounce the word “Hood” with a weird accent, because most of the time that I say my name, people ask me to repeat my last name. I have learned to answer the question with “like Robin Hood,” which usually gets a chuckle and they realize how to spell it. Except the time I signed up for cable television over the phone in college . . . for a year I got a bill addressed to Robin Hood.

Kevin Hood is my name, don’t wear it out.

This is the official Kevin Hood blog post. The reason why I am saying my name a lot is because when I search Google for my name, this guy who shows horses comes up before me. He used to own, but let it expire several years ago and I snatched it up the second it became available. The other Kevin Hood started a new website about two years ago, with a different domain name, and is still doing the horse thing. His new website has been around longer than mine, so I think that’s why it’s coming up first on Google. Until this official Kevin Hood blog post . . . look out. Get off of me “other Kevin Hood.”

Kevin Hood doesn’t need to remind you that stuffing your posts with keywords is not the ideal way to increase your search engine ranking, but it can’t kill you every once in a while. It won’t kill Kevin Hood . . . I’ll be alive tomorrow. However, therefore, please do note: the search engines can penalize you – so be careful. Do as I say, not as I do.

So what else am I going to do with this official Kevin Hood blog post?
How can I beat the other Kevin Hood in my personal search engine war?

  • Start the title of my post with the words: Kevin Hood
  • The title tag will contain the same words as the title of this post (it will start with Kevin Hood.)
  • The URL of this post will not only contain the domain name “,” but the full URL will also contain “kevin-hood” . . .  twice.
  • Make sure the phrase “Kevin Hood” has some headline tags.
  • I will upload a picture of me saved as “kevin-hood.jpg”
  • The picture alt tag will be titled: Kevin Hood
  • I will make the words “Kevin Hood” bold a couple of times.
  • My keywords will be “kevin hood, kevin, hood, seo, search engine marketing, google, kevin hood indiana”
  • My tags will be “Kevin Hood, Indiana SEO, Search Engine Marketing, Google”
  • I will link the words “Kevin Hood” (only once) to this very post and include “Kevin Hood” in the title tag.
  • I will also link the words “Kevin Hood” to and include “Kevin Hood” in the title tag.
  • I’ll leave a comment on a popular blog with a high page rank, but instead of using a link to, I will link directly to this post that has lots of stuff about my name . . . Kevin Hood. The words “Kevin Hood” will have a link to this post which contains a lot of “Kevin Hood” content. The link will also make this post seem more important to Google.
  • I will obviously include the name “Kevin Hood” in the content of this post . . . just a couple of times.
  • I will mention my name, Kevin Hood, one more time in this list just to make sure I beat that horse guy. Yee Ha!

Check back in a few weeks to see if Kevin Hood whipped the cowboy with his SEO power.

8 Responses to Kevin Hood is Going to Beat That Other Kevin Hood on Google


Chris Bede

June 18th, 2009 at 12:09 am

Good Luck! I pushed it to Stumble… Nothing against horses or anything.


Stephen Doucette

June 18th, 2009 at 2:02 pm

I love this post! I Googled “Kevin Hood” and it looks like you also have to beat out some Kevin Hood in Detroit whose Facebook page is ranked #2. But on Yahoo its an actor named Kevin Hood whose IMDB page is between you and the horse guy. Still, I will wager that you take the top spot in all the SEs in less than a month with such top notch blog posts!


Kevin Hood

July 14th, 2009 at 1:24 pm

Too funny. I won't be entering into the search engine war but I am another Kevin Hood who happened to Google my name to see what came up! Had to laugh about the "Robin Hood" references…if I had a dollar….



July 16th, 2009 at 2:56 am

Thanks for the comments everyone . . . the stumble from Chris, the props from Stephen and the funny comment that made me reply from a fellow Kevin Hood. Can't hurt to have our name, of Kevin Hood, listed one more time!


Douglas Karr

July 16th, 2009 at 3:08 am

You're going to go in my "Daily Links" and I'll backlink you with the term Kevin Hood and tags Kevinhood and kevin-hood! We'll get you there!


Kevin Hood

July 16th, 2009 at 3:07 am

Thanks for the comments everyone . . . the stumble from Chris, the props from Stephen and the funny comments that made me reply from the fellow Kevin Hoods. Can't hurt to have our name, Kevin Hood, listed a couple more times!


Kevin Hood

July 17th, 2009 at 5:07 pm

You weren't kidding Doug, you even added the Kevin Hood tags to your WordPress site that will be a part of your tag choices forever! Thanks a lot, that was very sweet of you.


Kevin Hood

November 23rd, 2009 at 3:24 pm

I am the horse guy Kevin Hood wasn't aware of any competition between the two of us. I found this site looking for some horse sale adds on youtube , I'm glad you could use your name when I changed my business to Kevin Hood Show Horses.
Good Luck, The First Kevin Hood


Technology, computers, IT, sales, marketing, website design, internet marketing, search engine conqueror, writing, community, humor and more.

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