Don’t Want a Business Blog? Let’s Call It a News Page for SEO

In: Business Blogs

11 Aug 2009

Business Blog SEO SkeletonMany businesses don’t feel a blog is worthwhile. Maybe because they hear about blogs on Oprah, or their significant other is always wasting time on the ESPN blog, mom blogs or Perez Hilton’s blog. Blogs could seem synonymous with The National Enquirer to some people, others just have no idea what a blog is, or how it could be used for business.

How about we not even call it a blog? Let’s call it a news page, or a news website about your product, services, and people behind the company. It can be much more than just a press release once a month. You can give your potential and current customers a better understanding of your company and why they should do business with you. A blog news page also offers the flexibility to add content to the website that doesn’t easily fit in the site map or main navigation.

Most importantly, you can improve search engine ranking for specific keyword phrases (products or services.) The more news posts or pages you add to your site, the better ranked your website will be in the search engines. Improved search engine ranking is connected to the increased-traffic-bone, which is connected to the higher-conversion-bone, which is connected to the get-more-leads bone, and then it is your job to connect that to the close-more-business-bone. And that’s how we play the blog game with businesses.

5 Responses to Don’t Want a Business Blog? Let’s Call It a News Page for SEO



August 12th, 2009 at 1:51 pm

Good idea. Most of the people I talk to have a very simplistic understanding of a blog, just as you have pointed out. I like your way of repositioning it.



August 21st, 2009 at 8:28 pm

I think you are on to something here…remove the word that some people fear


Kevin Hood

August 24th, 2009 at 2:18 am

Thanks Bill and Derek. There are so many uses for a blog, with SEO being my main pitch for return on investment, that we should be able to call it whatever we / they want. I love it when I setup a user name for a client's WordPress WEBSITE, and then they receive a confirmation email containing the word "blog". They get all freaked out until you explain it's really a website.


Kati Davis

November 19th, 2009 at 8:48 pm

I've been suggesting to University's for a while that they use a blog format for their news section of the site. The ability for tagging, comments, sharing just makes it so much more engaging than your old school press release.

Thanks for the to-the-point post!


Ian Rhodes

November 25th, 2009 at 1:18 pm

Absolutely right Kevin – I've had the same conversations – the term 'blogging' is synonymous with social-networking and not necessarily a term many business minded individuals relate to business.

To term WordPress as simply blogging software is like calling Firefox bookmarking software… there's just so much more too it.

I wouldn't say 'blogging' is deemed a 'bad word' amongst the B2B community but it still receives the same headscratching and chin stroking as 'twittering' does.


Technology, computers, IT, sales, marketing, website design, internet marketing, search engine conqueror, writing, community, humor and more.

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